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Monday, May 28, 2007


Few days back I watched "Water" movie with my husband. I was really impressed with the acting of the little girl-chuhia (small female rat) and Seema Biswas. It was a good thought provoking film on woman widowhood set in early nineties.

The unfortunate women who can not be "sati" are doomed to live austere life. Widowed women were supposed to spend days chanting prayers in praise of GOD and ask alms for making their living. Family was supposed to disown them.Widow remarriage was prohibited by dharma pandits and shastras. And on top of that,child marriage was norm of the day. I wonder millons of woman must be living downtrodden life in early nineties.

But I have always maintained that some where woman are responsible for their bad(?) conditions.Man were always law makers and women carried them out without questions.

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