suppose everyone can make 2 nodes down a person and india's population is 100 crores.
64 --> 2 ^ 6
128 --> 2 ^ 7
256 --> 2 ^ 8
536870912 ---> 2 ^ 29
1073741824 --> 2 ^ 30
that means that if whole india participats in this scheme that it can be covered in 30 layers (height of the tree shall be 30)
people who are the lowest layer will be the loser of the money (totally losing it)
1073741824 - 536870912 = 536870912 people will be total losers.
One assumption is that it is balanced tree which will not be the case in real will be skewed.
It is definite that people at the end of the tree (height 28,29,30) will be losers.
It looks like a major scam. But what surprises me is that people who think that they are smart and intelligent, are falling into the trap and really not understanding it.
Also,I do not understand why people refuse to believe & analyse the scheme and simply fall into it with the tall claim that they are smart. May be they are over smart people(pun intended)
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